Thursday, 27 July 2017

Three Tips for Fitting New Number Plates

Three Tips for Fitting New Number Plates

Are you planning on buying one of our top-notch personalised number plates? If you've never purchased a private number plate before, you may be uncertain how to fit your new plate in a way that ensures it remains secure and looks stylish. Here at ThePrivatePlateCo, we understand that fitting new plates can seem tricky if you've never done it before. That's why we've come up with three simple tips that will make the process much easier. If you follow our advice, you should be able to fit your new plate securely and make sure that it looks impeccable, too.

1. Make sure your car is clean before fitting your new plates

You probably don't want to have to clean your new plates as soon as you've fitted them. That's why we recommend cleaning your car beforehand. This will minimise the amount of dirt and grease they pick up as they are being attached.

2. Use your old plates as a guide

When you receive brand new number plates, you may need to drill holes in them for screws before you can fit them onto your car. Luckily, there's a fast and reliable way to find out where the screw-holes need to be positioned. Simply lay your old plates precisely over the new plates. The holes on the old plates will show you exactly where they need to be positioned on the new plates. All you have to do is mark the positions with a pen and you will be able to drill the holes in the correct locations. This ensures that the new plates will fit onto your car correctly and minimises the risk that they will become detached.

3. Use appropriately-coloured screw caps

Once you have screwed your new plates onto your car, you should use caps to cover the screw-heads. This will protect them from rust and thereby ensure the long-term stability of your plates. However, you can also use screw caps to improve the appearance of your plates. Use a black screw cap if a screw goes through one of the black letters or numbers on your number plate. Use a yellow or white screw cap if it goes through the yellow or white background. This will render the screws nearly invisible and will drastically improve the appearance of your new plates.
We offer a broad spectrum of personalised DVLA number plates here at ThePrivatePlateCo, so check out our range ASAP. When you receive your new plates, just follow the hints that we've provided in today's blog to ensure that you fit them to your car as well as possible.

Monday, 17 July 2017

The Practical Benefits of Private Number Plates

Are you currently considering whether or not to invest in private number plates? 

Here at ThePrivatePlateCo, we aim to provide high-quality, personalised DVLA number plates at affordable prices. However, we understand that ordinary motorists like you might still be hesitant to spend money on these vehicular accessories. However, we firmly believe that they are worth the investment. Personalised number plates offer more advantages than you might realise. We'll look at these advantages in today's blog. We think you'll be surprised by the ways that a simple private number plate can benefit you and your car.
1. Deterring criminals and combating theft
Obviously, private number plates can make a vehicle more distinctive and easily recognisable. What you may not realise is that this can help prevent your car from being stolen. Criminals don't want to steal vehicles that can be easily identified because it increases the likelihood that they will be caught. What's more, if your vehicle is ever stolen, your distinctive private number plates will make it easier for members of the public to spot, thereby increasing the chances that you will get it back. If you want to protect your vehicle from theft, private number plates can help.
​The Practical Benefits of Private Number Plates
2. Making a good impression
Private number plates speak of confidence and sophistication. If you want to impress someone, they can really help. Do you have an interview with a potential employer or client? Turn up to the meeting in a car with a personalised number plate to show off your sense of class and style and ensure that they remember you. Alternatively, you might have a date that you're anxious about. Why not pick up your date in a vehicle with personalised number plates in order to really impress them? If you want to make a good first impression on someone, a personalised number plate is a worthwhile investment.
3. Finding your vehicle
As we mentioned in point one, personalised number plates make your car more distinctive. However, this isn't just useful if your car is stolen and needs to be retrieved. It can also help you find it in a crowded car park or on a street where lots of other vehicles are parked. Private number plates can make locating your vehicle a quicker and more convenient process.
4. Advertising
Using a car registration to advertise your business is one of the best and most cost effective ways to get your brand or business name in front of tens of thousand of potential customers every day. Just think of all the traffic on today's busy roads and your number plate is right in front of their eyes. Add to this the benefit of claiming the cost against your business as advertising, and you are on a winner every time. A number plate lasts a lifetime and so it can be used on your business vehicles for years and years to come. Some of the biggest brands in the country, like Chanel, use personalised registrations to advertise their businesses so learn from the best.
If you do decide to invest in personalised DVLA number plates, make us your first port of call. We currently have 50,000,000 to choose from.

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Why Illegal Number Plates Aren't Worth The Risk

It's increasingly easy for motorists to obtain unofficial, non-DVLA number plates. 

If you're a fan of personalised number plates, you may be tempted by this option yourself. But is it worth it? The short answer is 'no'.

You should always ensure that your number plates are official, DVLA number plates and that they are obtained from a reputable supplier. We'll explore these reasons in today's blog entry.
Here at ThePrivatePlateCo, we believe it's important to make drivers aware of the shortcomings and dangers associated with unofficial, non-DVLA number plates. You might be surprised to learn how problematic these plates are.
1. Non-DVLA plates are illegal
Unofficial number plates that don't represent DVLA licence numbers are illegal. It's important to remember that number plates aren't just decorative: they're meant to act as unique markers that make vehicles easy to identify. It's important for the DVLA and other proper authorities to be able to find out who a car belongs to and where it is kept. Official number plates make this possible. Fitting a car with unofficial number plates undermines this system and is therefore frowned upon by the law.
2. You don't want to be fined
The consequences of displaying these number plates can be very severe. You could face a substantial fine on the spot if police catch you. Unless you're eager to lose £1,000 as quickly as possible, installing unofficial plates just isn't worth the risk.
3. The plates you want are available legally
There's no reason to personalise your car using unofficial number plates: you can do it just as easily with legal ones! Here at ThePrivatePlateCo, we can offer over 100,000 different personalised number plates, all of which genuine DVLA plates that can be registered to your vehicle.
Unofficial plates might seem tempting, but they are illegal, risky and unnecessary. If you want to do your civic duty (and avoid being fined), it's always better to buy official DVLA number plates from a seller you can trust. If you'd like moreinformation on buying DVLA plates, contact us today.
Why illegal number plates aren't worth the risk | The private Plate Company
Don't confuse illegal number plates with banned number plates though. Banned number plates are where DVLA have determined that a particular combination is offensive or relates to religious beliefs. You can read our post about banned number plates and maybe let us know of some that we have missed.
<a href="">I Spy Number Plate</a> by I See Modern Britain licensed under <a href="">Creative commons 4</a>